Procrastination for the nation.
This blog has pretty much been on a hiatus for.. I don't even know how long, and frankly I think it's a waste of time to go and check.. or write about checking.. I guess the jokes on me. Still.. don't know what is it for. Perhaps for me to keep track of all the things I believe are .. interesting? funny? yeah so noble of me to share my interest with you. Or perhaps it's just to make me think better about myself? yeah.. that rings true.. It's strange how posting about all those things - for my brain,or yours for that matter (from a psychological point of view of course) - is equal to creating all those things.. And it is not.
For some strange reason the brain's dim enough to get tricked like that. And it's an awful trick to experience. So... my point is.. all those posts.. as much as they tickled you in one way or another.. were pointless. There was no direction, no plan, nothing really apart from 'look I read articles about teleportation and found an obscure photographer'. So the hiatus was inevitable I suppose. And what does it all mean?.. Fuck knows. I've been biding my time, looking for distractions? But maybe I'm onto something now. Maybe. As I'm desperate. And desperation means you try doing things a different way..
I feel like a teenager that's missed the point of the film because I had to reply to a text message. Missed that one look on someones face, that subtle gesture, that scene when 'nothings really happening' to look away and miss the whole point.. for 28 years.. not knowing what the essence of the damn film was about. Fuck.